Saturday, September 29, 2007


是的, 没有保险丝的比较值钱. 尤以1969年份的最为珍贵, 以下是STEVEN TAN目录的估价:


1967 $400 (EF) $700 (UNC)
1968 $400 (EF) $700 (UNC)
1969 $1100 (EF) $1500 (UNC)

注:只以上三年而已, 其他年份无保险丝的皆为凡品.

EF=EXTREMELY FINE 中文叫"极美品", 扼要的说只有一条折痕而已...

UNC=UNCIRCULTEAD 中文叫"直版"或"全新", 意即没有使用过, 保存完好的新钞.....


如果是目前的ZETI版10元,还分为两种款式, 有银色保险条和没有保险条的, 前者目前还在陆续发行中, 所以尚没什么价值, 后者比较值得收藏....

1) UNCIRCULATED (UNC) 完全未使用/全新

A perfectly preserved note, nt handled by the issuing authority, bank teller, public or a collector, has sharp edge and no discoloration. Notes are firm and crisp. However, some banknotes of this type may often show ery light counting fold, which do not affect the appearance of the note.

完美无暇, 拥有尖锐的角边, 没有褪色的迹象. 纸币清洁和有适度的硬度.


Virtually a perfect note with someminor handling evidence. May show very slight of counting fold,could be at the corner or through the center, but not both. This note cannot be creased which usually affect the apperance of the note. Note is clean and bright and no round corners.

表面上看来完美无缺. 在角落或中间可能有少许的折痕. 不可有割痕(硬折). 颜色亮丽和干净.拥有尖锐的角边.没有褪色的迹象.


This note is very attractive with only light handling. It consist a maximum of 3 light folds or 1 strong crease. This note is clean and firm, without discoloration, no round corners.

可拥有最高3条细微的折痕, 或一条割痕.没有褪色的迹象.表面颜色呈亮丽和干净,拥有尖锐的角边.
4) VERY FINE (VF) 美品

This note is attractive. It may have several folds both vertically and horizontally, with more evidence of handling and wear. Note may have little dirt or color smudging. Note is crisp and not floppy. Not tears exist in the border, but the edges may show slight wear but not full rouding.

拥有数条折痕.有些许污点, 少许褪色的迹象,角落边沿可能有细微的破裂, 但仍拥有尖锐的角边. 其余的边沿不可有破裂, 有适当的硬度.

5) FINE (F)普品

This note shows considerate circulation, may have many folds, creases and wrinkling. Note may have softness with little dirt. Border areas may have minor tear,but not on the design. Thereis n center hole. It may consist of 1 or 2 pinholes near the border. Color is clear but not bright. Still a desirable note.

拥有很多折痕和割痕, 有些许污点, 边沿细微破裂,可能边沿有1或2个钉书孔,但中间不可有洞孔, 颜色仍清楚但不亮丽.

6) VERY GOOD (VG)中下品

This note is well used, but still intact. Corners may be worn and round.The design may have tiny nicks, soe dirt and discoloration, with small hole in the center. The note may not be firm, but no pieces of note whch affect the appearance be missing.

角落破裂,不尖锐, 褪色的迹象,有许多细微的洞孔,但不影响整体的画面.

7) GOOD (G) 下品

The note has been heavily used. Overall is unattractive with strong multiple folds, creases,dirt, pinholes, stain, discoloration, edge tears, round corners and center holes, but no large pieces of note is missing. The note often has soe graffiti.

表面破裂, 许多强烈的折痕和割痕. 表面肮脏退色. 有许多细微的洞孔,但不影响整体的画面.有图写字迹.

8) FAIR (F)下下品

The note is a total lip, dirty and very well used. Larger pieces may be torn or missing. Tears are larger, obscured portions are bigger.

表面软绵绵,破裂,肮脏褪色.洞孔播大, 表面某部分遗失, 有图写字迹.

9) POOR (P) 极下下品

The note is "rag" with severe damage because of wear, stain, missing pieces, graffiti and larger holes. The note may has tape holding pieces together. Trimming may have been done to remove rough edges.

表面软绵绵,破裂,肮脏褪色.洞孔播大, 表面很多部分遗失, 有图写字迹.用胶纸连接部分表面.

只有1967-72年版的RM1, 5, 10, 50 和 100的才有直的保险线(straight security thread)和断裂的保险线 (broken security thread)两款版本的差异.

而且后者数量比较少, 大约只有1/5左右的纸钞才有断裂的保险丝, 假以时日会比较珍贵.至于后来的版本(1972-1981)就没这种差别, 全都是直的保险线.

这是1982-84年之间发行的盲人系列纸钞(第五版), 由THOMAS DE LA RUE公司印刷, 全新大约RM10左右, 你这张我估计EF以上, 大约值RM5左右. 如果系列号码从AW起到BZ的, 则是BRADBURY WILKINSON & CO 印刷的, 数量就比较少, 价值也多上一倍.

仔细看背面下方,应该可以读到PRINTER的名字. 是BRADBURY的话这张应该值RM10-12左右. 

至于RM20纸钞, 如果是85年版, 全新只值RM45, 但是82年版的全新比较贵, 要上百元左右. 如果有折痕, 则更便宜些....

应该是1961年铸造的马来亚10分硬币, 背面应该是英女皇头象.这种钱币算是蛮普遍的, 这种品相值一块钱左右吧

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